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작성일 : 24-12-08 12:35
지구의 벗~~ 나름 무난한~ 헤...관심가~  
 글쓴이 : 허허정승
조회 : 4,782  
영문 사이트지만 나름대로 무난합니다
관심가져볼만 한 사이트~

Friends of the Earth International is the world’s largest grassroots environmental federation with more than 70 national member groups and millions of members and supporters around the world.

Our vision
Our vision is of a peaceful and sustainable world based on societies living in harmony with nature. We envision a society of interdependent people living in dignity, wholeness and fulfilment in which equity and human and peoples’ rights are realised. This will be a society built upon peoples’ sovereignty and participation. It will be founded on social, economic, gender and environmental justice and be free from all forms of domination and exploitation, such as neoliberalism, corporate globalisation, neo-colonialism and militarism.

We believe that our children’s future will be better because of what we do.




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